All of life comes to me with Ease Joy and Glory!

All of life comes to me with Ease Joy and Glory! This is what I have been singing in the shower lately. I sing like I am auditioning for the Voice. I play with the words, the keys, and the tempo.

I often feel a bit embarrassed about singing; in or out of the shower. I wonder if I sound terrible, if it bugs my son, or whether the neighbors can hear me (I wonder if they can hear me do they look for a cat in heat or a Disney princess in locked in a tower). When I was in my early teens my brother told me I was tone deaf, he taunted me every time I sang. A few years ago I mentioned this to him and he casually said he was just teasing me; as if it was no big deal, as if I had not spent my life not singing in public (other than the car) ever since, in fear of ridicule.

I have to tell you that his words have always stuck in my mind; despite how many times people have said to me I have a pretty voice.

Today however I just said fuck it, I am singing for me and my beloved divine. I think that I sound lovely. Maybe I don’t but so what it sounds and feels good to me! So I sing!

March 22 2017 04:47 pm | Uncategorized