Sometimes I am not ok.


Sometimes I am not ok and that is ok.

Sometimes I walk around the house singing random thoughts.

Sometimes I am so happy to be by myself I have to sing.

Sometimes I cry, and I have no idea why.

Sometimes I talk to plants, or to beings you cannot see.

Sometimes I am sad, and I know it is because you are sad.

Sometimes I get messages for you and I am guided to tell you.

Sometimes I am happy because I know something wonderful will happen today.

Sometimes I am not ok, and that is ok!

It is all ok! I have been this way as far back as I can remember; I have felt all of this and more. I have made excuses for why I am so… fill in the blank. I am done with excuses, this is me. Maybe I am weird? Maybe I am flighty, flakey, crazy, or off in la la land at first sight? However we both know I am real, as real as it gets. You may not agree with me, yet something tells you I am real, somewhere deep inside there is truth in my words.

This is me; I love you even when I do not like you. I wish wonderful things for you even when I cannot keep your drama out of my space. I think of you kindly even when I cannot be in your presence. I know I am here for something great, no matter how conceited that sounds. I am here to speak, I am here to love, and I am here to whisper you awake while I too awaken. Good Morning!

March 02 2017 07:21 pm | Uncategorized