OMG!!! How Did I Get So Lucky???

I really had no idea, that having cake with my kids would be so enlightening… We have done this many times over the last year… I love going out for dessert; last night was no exception, and would fill my heart with joyful blessings…

Have you ever had that moment of Oh My God!!! What was it I did that brought me to this completely Amazing and Joyful moment??? Yesterday I received several Amazing gifts, each taking so much thought and time to create…

My son went on a journey of his own, on his own… I know how hard this is, as I did it many years ago and I was really freaked out, to travel across the country by myself for something I wanted, for myself… It can be so difficult to seize something for oneself whilst living in a world that values giving more than receiving and we are considered selfish when we act in our own benefit… Though when you consider if you give and there is no one to receive, the circle is broken; both pieces are of equal value and necessary for our circle of life to continue…

The changes that come from this type of adventure are rarely seen on the surface and take time to really see the impact they have on us… I took the journey that began my empowerment over twelve years ago, I went to a festival where I knew no one, I camped for a week and I met people, it was the most amazing experience… This journey would lead to my willingness to move my life to another country where I did not know anyone, and though it took time I met people there and I forged friendships that I treasure to this day… I no longer feel odd going to the movies or dinner by myself, if there is not someone to accompany me I go on my own in fact it is not uncommon that I will choose to be on my own over being in a crowd, I truly find peace with me… I love my friends and I love to visit there is no doubt I can chat and visit for days; and I love being with me…

I am truly proud of my son and the gift he gave himself; it is a gift to each of us…

I received another gift yesterday from my daughter, who has recently returned from her adventure in travel… This amazing girl gifted herself a three and a half month journey to sixteen countries, by way of ship and school… While in these countries she had pictures taken of her with different words that would become my Christmas gift… The words read “Thank – You – For – Giving – Me –  The – World – Heart – I – love – You – Mom”… *I am still crying in joy and gratitude*… I know this feeling of adventure as well, it’s scary putting yourself in a situation where you do not know anyone, to go into foreign countries and not know what to expect, and it is entirely up to you to create your experience… Though you know you will be coming home in a window of time, you are still in that moment creating who you will be upon your arrival… It matters not how long the journey it matters only that you are willing to make the first step and then the next and the next and so on…

The next gift and certainly not the last or least, is the beautiful young man that is my daughters love… This man took one of the greatest steps anyone can take… He let it be ok that he was on his own, whilst his love traveled the world… His adventure though close to his front door may have been the scariest, as there is no knowing what will happen when your beloved is away… Will they change so much as to not know them upon their return??? Will your love bond deeper or fall away… It is not easy to carry on when your heart is an ocean away… He held true to who he is and he got through school work, hanging out with friends, and we got to know each other better as well… He created a space that would allow him to grow, whilst giving her wings… It takes great courage for this; I am truly grateful for him and the love he shares with my daughter…

I am proud of both of them for being and creating themselves and their relationship, for each other and an expansive future together…

I wish for everyone that feeling of empowerment that comes from choosing an adventure for you, and you alone… Yes I know it is scary, and Yes I know it takes guts, and Yes I know it is far easier to beg your besty to come along… Looking beyond your friends and family, and truly choosing what brings you joy, and then choosing it with purpose; is a feeling of empowerment that cannot be explained it must be experienced… You are the most important being in your life, without you there is no one and nothing, as you are the one experiencing what you experience… You are not worthless, replaceable, or expendable… You are here with purpose, and that purpose is being you, you are a piece of the puzzle that is life, you are needed and you are loved…

The people at the table last night were not the people that sat there last year, they had each made a journey into who they are, and will become… How Does It Get Even Better Than That??? How Did I get So Lucky???

January 10 2015 02:27 pm | Uncategorized